The first set of proposal sketches were directed specifically toward the struggling family. I used the phrase "Barely Making It" to play off the idea of money being tight (deciding whether to eat or buy gas --this was a real concern for some I read) and doing whatever it takes to get to the polls. In sketch 1 (from right to left), I was exaggerating the distance from you to the ballots box, and enforcing the idea that if you have run out of gas, do whatever it takes to "make it". Similarly, sketch 3 is a man crawling to the box as if it were his last wish. Sketch 2 was more aimed to draw similarities (pun) in the forms of a candidate list and a grocery list
("Equally Important?").

The second "seed" was based around the graphic nature of the cultural Mexican luchadore. In sketch 1 (continued from the matrix), I posed the idea of an American white Family, getting their portrait taken at -say- at WalMart, but the pun would lie in their faces --each would have their own lucha mask; the copy: The American Dream Is Not Just For Americans. Sketch 2: a personification wrestling match (Burro contra Elephante), playing off a authentic lucha fight posters and our bi-partisan differences. Sketch 3: metaphorically showing a lucha with no mouth is like silencing your right; a hand would be shown stitching this up, or something. Sketch 4: another personification, the lucha vs. ballot box match where your help is requested by the lucah "Voting Is A Tag Team Match". Sketch 5: I would like to go all out and borrow the stylistic integrity of a lucha poster, with fake opponents each either named Voto, Vivir, or Vaya; the match would then be titled "Voto A Vivir" or "Voto O Vaya" simply meaning "Vote To Live" or "Vote Or Leave". Sketch 6: using antithesis, a scrawny boy posed in oversized lucha spandex ("Whatever It Takes- Be Powerful").

The third set of sketches are based around the idea that the Latino vote doesn't matter. Sketch 1: I wanted to take a small group and pose it as a synecdoche of the entire US population, covering all the non-white faces with white ("This Is Not What Our Nation Looks Like"). Sketch 2 is a parody of American art where commonly known figures are replaced with Latino cultured ones, the first thoughts to mind were Warhol's banana as a pepper, or Warhol does Kahlo ("This Is Your Country, Represent"). Sketch 3 is similar to sketch 1, but instead of colored faces painted white, it is a white face "painted" Latino ("No One Can Vote For You"). Sketch 4 is a combination of 1 & 3, with the direct comparison (I thought maybe these ideas were confusing and a juxtaposition of the "fake" vs the "real" would help clarify the idea.