TYPE: Process, Grid Manipulations

When I started experimenting I wanted to know how I could change the grid on which type cells would reside. I figured I'd start easy and make changes that were systematically determined. For instance, I began to wonder, if most modular type -or nearly all type- is created on a one-by-one grid, what would would happen to the type if it were a 1-2 grid? 1-3? I didn't have any epiphanies, but interesting enough I did observe that the type appeared larger with each "stretch". The greater the surface area, the larger it all appeared, which I didn't expect considering they all shared the same cap-height. The image you see here is the result of this experiment. "Once" created in a 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 grid. The actual cells that created the shape changed and so in this way their relationship to one another change (gaps became larger, intersections of angles changed).

After reading up on other artists and having thought deeper on the topic of modularity, I decided to look outside the work of designers (graphic ones at least) and, all together, the field of typography to find that modularity at large had interesting things to offer. Thus I found Dirk (featured in the post before this one), and his essay. The ideas that would follow brought together everything I had wanted out of this project in the beginning. Modular met "the human factor".


This following experiment was my first step into the "random". A grid of squares with a 1-1 ratio was broken free of its relationship with the row above and below it while still maintaining its perfect square shape. With letters plotted, they began to change shape, resulting dimensionality. Perpendicular angles became diagonal (supplying the z-axis).

And then came the physical. This part I'm really enjoying. Like boxes stacked upon one another, I began to create a grid that protrudes out in space. This skeleton is the first draft of what will house cells of new modular typography. Before, I perceived modular typography to exist only in the second dimension; This is my attempt to bring it into the third.