The recent change in weather has me listening to Dylan—in whatever Bob-form feels appropriate, but I re-fell in love with one of my favorite songs (linked above) when some girl (a musician I don't necessarily care for or have heard of) popped up on my Pandora singing: "So long, honey babe. Where I'm bound, I can't tell. 'Goodbye' is too good a word, babe, so I'll just say 'fare thee well.' "
I love Joan Baez too, and I love them together! Sean introduced me to her when we first met, and I thought she was just a second-best Joni Mitchell. I learned to really appreciate all those artists though (with help from No Direction Home): Dave Van Ronk, Karen Dalton, etc. Seriously, I don't care what your stance is on Dylan, just watch the damn film if you haven't already. It's not just about him, but that time in music and politics. The clip below is a favorite of mine; Everyone always wanted something out of the man, but he's just a man—who happened write songs people liked. For all the haters: get over it. "Oh we all like motorcycles to some degree." Yes, yes we do.