I was tipped off by Kate Smithson to check out this place called Dunton Hot Springs in southwest corner of Colorado. I can't believe this place exists outside of my own head. Upon discovering Dunton, I immediately was reminded of The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford byway of its music and cinematic style. This flick can only be described as "haunting," and since Nick Cave did the soundtrack, I suddenly needed a stained glass window and a tumbler of whiskey. I'm struggling throughout the day, obsessing over, coveting for: the sound of a freight train, a deco bungalow on a dirt road, the colors of a Kansas sunrise in the winter...
It's proven tough living in the mountains, with so few neighborly interactions and absolutely no familiar noises (if there are noises at all). I have to keep telling myself that there is much to enjoy and love about our new home. And it's days like these that help ease this reminder.