The season is shaping up to be rather sleepy and warm—and that's fine by me. Summer's here are different: rain mostly in the afternoon, a complete lack of humidity, our cabin is without screens on any windows (bugs are few to none) and we've no need for an a/c unit. The down side of it all? Any fresh body of water in the mountains is all snow run-off, so swimming is always painful!
The fire ban has been lifted and our hair is often laced with charcoal smoke. Sean's cooking, outside of Monday Moxie Meals, attempts to employ the grill as often as possible. And since our neighbors inherited a keg of Sawtooth (Ramzy designed this site, by the way) and they don't even like it, we constantly refill our growlers just next door. We let the girls run around outside, while we sip beer and mull over hot coals; The cabin has never been so dreamy.
We went down to town for Derby Juleps last weekend and had a dinner date. Married dates are so much better than non-married; Never arguing over who pays, zero awkward conversations or lame ice-breakers, and you always go home together ;)